harun al-rashid-quotes - Roshan Worlds

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Thursday, March 4, 2021

harun al-rashid-quotes

 فطنة الرَّشيد

ـ بين هارون الرَّشيد وامرأة من بني بَرْمَك ـ

روي أنَّ امرأةً من بَني بَرْمَك دخلت على هارون الرَّشيد بعد نكبتهم،وعنده جماعةٌ من وجوه أصحابه، فقالت له: يا أمير المؤمنين: أقرَّ اللهُ عيْنكَ، وفرَّحكَ بما آتاكَ، وأتمَّ سعدكَ، لقد حكَمْتَ فقَسَطتَّ.

فقال لها الرَّشيد: مَن تكونين أيَّتها المرأةُ؟

فقالت: أنا من آلِ بَرمَكٍ، ممَّن قتلتَ رجالَهم، وأخذتَ أموالَهم، وسلَبتَ نوالَهم.

فردَّ هارون الرَّشيدُ: أمَّا الرِّجالُ فقد مضى فيهم أمر الله، ونفذ فيهم قدَرُه.وأمَّا المالُ فمردودٌ إليكِ.

 فلمَّا خرجتْ، سأل أصحابه: أتدرون ما قالت

المرأةُ البَرمَكيَّةُ؟ فقالوا ما نراها قالتْ إلَّا خيرا، فقال الرَّشيدُ: ـ وقد عهد عنه الفهمُ وشدَّة الذَّكاء والبلاغةُ في القوْلِ ـ ما أظنُّكم فهمتم مَقصدَها.

 فأمَّاقوْلُها: "أقرَّ الله عيْنَك" أيْ أسكنها عن الحركة، وإذا سكنت العيْنُ عن الحركة عمِيَتْ.

وأمَّا قوْلُها: "فرَّحكَ بما آتاك" فأخذَتْه من قوله تعالى: "حتَّى إذا فرِحوا بماأُوتوا أخذناهُمْ بغتةً"

وأمَّا قوْلُها: "أتمَّ اللهُ سَعدَكَ" فأخذته من قوْلِ الشَّاعر:

إذا تـمَّ شَيْءٌ بَـدا نـقْـصُهُ تَـرَقَّـبْ زوالًا إذا قيلَ تَـم

وفي قولِها: "لقد حَكَمْتَ فقسَطتَّ" فأخذَته من قوْلِ الله تعالى: " وأمَّاالقاسِطون فكانوا لجهنَّمَ حَطَبا"

فتعجَّب الحاضرون من بلاغة المرأة البَرمَكِيَّة، ومن شدَّة فِطنة الرَّشيد.

Between Haron Al-Rashid and a woman from Bani Bermak

Roy that a woman from Bani Bermak entered Harun Al-Rashid after their calamity,

And he has a group of his companions, and she said to him: O prince of believers: God endorse

Your eyes, your joy with what has come to you, and your happiness is complete, she has judged, she has fallen, and he said to her

Al-Rasheed: Who are you woman?

She said: I am from the Bermec, from whom you killed, and took their money, and stole

Nail them.

Aaron Al-Rashid: As for men, Allah's command has passed, and He has executed his destiny in them.

As for money, it is returned to you, when you came out, his friends asked: Do you know what she said?

The Bermuda woman? They said, ′′ We see her, she said nothing but good The Rashid said: And he was reigned.

Understanding, intelligence and eloquence is about to say what I think you understood, so either

Saying: ′′ God approve your eyes ′′ i.e. dwell it in the movement, and when the eye dwells in the eye,

Movement is blind.

And as for her saying: ′′ Your joy in what He has come to you she took it from the Almighty saying: ′′ Even when they rejoice in what

Ottawa we took them suddenly ′′

As for her saying: ′′ May Allah fulfill your happiness she took it from the poet's saying:

If something is done, it seems to be lacking, wait for the disappearance if it is said.

In her saying: ′′ I have judged, and I have failed so she took it from Allah's saying: ′′ As for me

The Constituents so they were firewood to hell ′′

The attendees marvel at the eloquence of the Bermerican women, and at the severity of the rasheed.

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